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News, Support

1:1 Counselling & therapy.

To support ourselves and loved ones during this challenging time of the pandemic, Interconnected UK is pleased to offer a free, confidential therapy service with expert providers for those of you who want a bit of input to get you through. The initial offer is a block of 4 x hourly sessions. Depending on funding, we may be able to extend this input. We have negotiated the package with few experienced psychologists and counsellors.

If you already have a therapist and want help with the cost, we can offer you the same voucher for a block of 4 sessions with your preferred provider.

The steps are really easy. If interested, please email Magda Rakita magda@interconnecteduk.org who will issue you with a voucher and the providers’ contact details.

All your details will be treated with the utmost confidentialhttps://interconnecteduk.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/psychological-support.pdfity.

This service is available only for people with intersex traits/ variations of sex characteristics and our families or caregivers; however, you can use those sessions to discuss any subject you may find helpful. We hope you make use of this input.

This project is founded thanks to Comic Relief’s LGBTQ+ COVID-19 Recovery Fund, in partnership with METRO Charity and NAZ. Please be aware that we are not allowed to convert the voucher to money.

To download pdf with information click here (opens a new tab).

EDIT: Unfortunately as of 11th of May we are unable to offer more vouchers for psychological support. We hope to have more funding available in the future.